Together we’re better.
We curate people’s incredible knowledge and experience.
We built a potent platform to support a life driven by design.
Stand with us; on our shoulders; use us as a springboard into YOUR better life
(the one you want; with the feelings you want to feel).
Use this platform; use our research; pick the best parts of these tools for your version of better.
That Space Principles.
These principles set the compass for how much more ease is felt when you choose to be the water—and not the rock.
1. Sufficiency & gratitude
The Law of Sufficiency and Abundance states, “You have everything within you right now to make your life a living dream". We take that one step further—you have everything already around you to feel sufficient and grateful.
This principle means that when you’re in That Space, we’re not overusing anything. We live within Mother Earth’s means and not overconsuming or overspending, anything.
2. Doing less = having more
Deepak Chopra’s “Law of Least Effort” is shown in the intelligence of nature. From the Fibonacci symmetries hidden in a flower to the sturdiness of the honeycomb’s hexagon, the vast complexity always evolves from very simple principles.
This principle means that when you’re in That Space, we’re harnessing and aligning with the universe. As we move with and not against this universal energy, we find that life begins to unfold more easily, synchronicities occur, and we can begin to live in a state of joyful, inspired action, and effortless manifestation with infinite potential.
3. Boundaries and Not Negotiables are our responsibility
Our 'the pool fence' concept (a coined That Space term) says that NOBODY else is in your first circle of energy—just yourself—and that everyone else fits in a circle outside that. Each circle creates different boundaries and 'rules' that serves your needs, not theirs.
This principle means that when you’re in That Space, your Not Negotiable “things” are happening hourly, daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly... These fuel you to be coherent and aligned with who you really want to be. Where you’re SUPER intentional about who and what has input into your life knowing that everything we 'digest' is part of us.
4. Life is meant to be enjoyed, savoured, and explored
This is where we make sure we don't prioritise the wrong way around. Pleasure must go in the calendar first. Things that light you the fuck up MUST be prioritised. They don't go in the spaces left at the end. Living a life in a heart-centered way means everything is done with and because of love.
This principle means that when you’re in That Space, you stay curious ALWAYS.
5. Be here now...
Presence and all things noticing our senses and pausing between breaths. SPACIOUSNESSSSSSSS.
This principle means that when you’re in That Space, you’re aware of the space around you.
For those who love the little details…
We have written an article that tells you a lot more about us up until mmmmm about 2023/24 and fills in some blanks about what our learnings and deep dives personally have been. We will update this as we remember too but so you all know - we are both studying two new modalities now (as of July 2024) that we can almost officially add.
People we love and learn from…
So just like our own learning history - turns out this list of people we love was also VERY long so we have decided to instead highlight 4 different people (or so because life…) and that way you can come back and maybe discover someone new. Something we have both witnessed over and over again with eachother and with clients, is that when we lean into a new topic or leading learner in a particular field - that information or area of thought seems to pop up all around us. That is the magic of the law of attraction and the big awesome magnet that brings people together. We hope you find something that takes you down a long winding rabbit hole…

Membership - simplified.
For $11 per month, you receive UNLIMITED access to our ever-changing calendar of LIVE classes, groups & gatherings each week like, Yoga, book club, coherence circles, morning, midday and night time reset rituals plus other rituals like grounding, journaling, breath-work etc etc…
If you are here firstly THANK YOU. We are live (Feb 2024) and we are currently checking it all out to make sure things run smoothly. We will be starting to offer practices in August 2024 so please hang tight - if you want us to let you know when we plan to start offering practices - drop us a note by clicking below and we will be in touch. Otherwise check back in August xx