As of the day we are updating this page in our website (September 2024) we are brand spanking new. We have added a few answered questions on our Membership page based on what some friends and family asked but as far as FAQ’s go - we don’t really have any as yet because brand new! So we figured instead of creating them we would instead add contact area to this page where you can add any questions you have and will answer you and then add that question (completely anonymously of course) to our FAQ’s so that they organically build from day one.

We have added a few more questions under this that cover most of the payment/logistical stuff so scroll down past the ‘ask your own question area’ first if you question is a payment oriented one just in case we have answered it for you there. x


  • They will be deducted monthly on the same day each month (or next business day if applicable to your bank) that you joined TS.

  • From us - no. But you will need to check your own bank’s fees and charges to work out if they will add anything additional.

  • Not at all. You can cancel anytime and this process will be super easy for you to do. We have no idea how to do that yet as nobody has even joined LOL but we do promise once this site is up and running we will have an easy cancellation process.

  • Basically we have authorised our payment platform to only debit the first $11 payment 30 days AFTER you have joined TS. As this is a pay in advance situation - you will then pay your first $11 for the second month of membership with us unless you choose to cancel at anytime before that point. It is however you responsibility to make sure you have cancelled your membership prior to that first payment being deducted.

  • Simply scroll up this page and put your details and your question into the area’s provided and we will get back to you the next time we check emails (which should be every 3-4 days)