Dr Joe Dispenza.
Dr Joe is the one who introduced me (Kate) to meditation. I am not sure now how I ended up starting his book Evolve Your Brain but I did and it changed the way I saw everything. I was 100% one of the BIG awareness droppers of my journey into just how powerful our Mindbody is.
Its near impossible to bio this man in one page let alone one video but here is a recent video from Dr Joe’s website (www.drjoedispenza.com) and I might add a few more too just for a more rounded perspective….;
Why Dr Joe…?
In 2015 we (K&K) attended our first Dr Joe workshop which we followed with his advanced retreat which was 4 days of deep meditation practice. Before this neither of us had meditated at all so going from never straight to Dr Joe was quite the eye opener.
After finishing the advanced retreat, I (Kate) committed to quite an intense daily meditation practice (Kris’s kids were still only bables then so her priorities were different). I chose to wake at 4am every morning (there is a reason for that time) and to practice for a full hour followed by an hour of Yoga. I did this for almost 2 years straight right up until Lucy was born and it was absolutely one of the leading reasons my life completely changed.
Both Kris and myself both regularly meditate and practice mindfulness - (these are different and we’ll chat about that later) I (Kate) still love a Dr Joe meditation and have only recently decided to bring them back into my life in a more consistent way again - please note - my definition of consistency might differ from yours… His meditation Blessing of the Energy Centres II remains one of my diehard favourites and I practice this one mostly but I am really loving his new breath work tracks and have just bought one of those so stay tuned for more on that.
It was at the first advanced retreat (I, Kate, went to a second week long retreat the following year) that K & I were introduced to Heartmath. It was love at first sight and we knew it was going to be a bigger part of our lives. We have both since become facilitators of the Heartmath method and you will find more information on that here and here.
One thing we know for sure is that EVERY single adventure we went on together was FULL of laughs (and snorts a lot of the time too)
This is us wearing our Heartmath devices so that our coherence could be measured while we are meditating - Kristie as always took it very seriously and listened to all the instructions about trying not to increase your room mates heart rate variability for the 24 hours while wearing the device and I did the opposite scaring the hell out of her when she was wearing hers…. Still makes us LOL to talk about it.