Rituals 101.
To define a ritual;
Anything that you bring or call into your life, commit to and intentionally decide to practice, that you use as a kind of emotional and/or physical anchor to your centre. By centre I mean that space where you feel regulated, calm, in control of your emotions/thoughts, blissful, joyful, clear, and well - just good. You feel good. Because sometimes good is really aligned description.
They are like a tool box of different options that you can dip into either in the moment OR in a more routine intentional way.
How you use rituals depends on the way you feel about routines in general and if you find it more aligned to stick to a plan and to wake up and do the same thing every morning OR if you move more freely when you keep things very flux and ‘moment to moment’. (Who else remembers what movie this line is from??!)
We are not all built the same and thank the lord for that. What works for one person and keeps them feeling like their truest expression may OR may not work for you in the same way.
So if rituals are new to you we suggest staying super open-hearted as you navigate these and to always be honest with yourself. Pretending to love something because you feel like you ‘should’ is never a good plan. In fact if the word should is there at all - that’s usually a pretty good sign that a new plan is required.
OK - so back to rituals…
Rituals can be absolutely anything.
They fall into a category that is more widely known as Mindfulness.
You could use the above definition to define Mindfulness too really.
When we try and compartmentalise this stuff - that’s when it can get sticky. If we just let it be and keep things as simply as possible - ease is the result and ease should ALWAYS be the goal.
So here at That Space we are explore lots of different rituals - we would love your help the exploratory part too - sharing with us the different ways you choose to anchor yourself.
I want to say here before we move on that there is no right or wrong when it comes to a ritual.
That would be the same as trying to tell someone else what they love.
That’s is something we all need to stop doing.
You do you boo.
So let’s take a wee look at the rituals Kristie and I LOVE and want to start with here on That Space;
I have done a short audio for most of these for those of you who want to dive in a bit deeper.
Auto writing.
No real need for a video here - surely. As much as I love to ramble on. This is where we will pop some awesome hand drawn pdf’s into either a newsletter or the members area and we will make a tea (or pour any drink that takes our fancy) and we will sit and colour in. Most of you will want to buy a BRAND new box of pencils to do this and I used to be the same BUT lets buy a sharpener instead because we all have a pencil case or box filled with old half size pencils who want to colour again just as much as we do…
Oracle Cards.
Long walks MindFULLY.
Again - no video necessary here. Kris and I LOVE to take LOOOOOOONG walks together and we want to take you guys with us sometimes - might be the beach (usually will be the beach is more accurate), could be a bushwalk, might even have a waterfall in it from time to time…. you just never know… PS - these will be virtual walks so we will all be sharing our different surroundings - how cool will it be when people join from across the world and we can check out Greece while we walk! Im looking at you Eleni… xx
Breath-work (kinda fits into HeartMath but as this is a little different I have added it here)
Salt water dips.
There are SO many benefits to swimming in saltwater. So much so that people even refer to it as Vitamin Sea. Not only is it full of the negative ions that we need to balance out all of the digital devices in our worlds today and full of vitality charging minerals like iodine, magnesium, chromium, zinc, copper, selenium etc etc. It really is like taking a multivitamin via your skin when you take a dip so this is HIGH on our rituals list.
Essential Oils.
Time in Nature.
Another way to soak up negative ions is walking in (dancing, running, laying in) nature. We are SO much more seperate from this incredible resource when we ever have been before and its time to change that. Without getting into the science too much here - when you walk in nature and breathe in the biome of all that is around it - our biomes chat. Yep. They communicate in a very mystical and wonderful way and in this exchange they share information - information that your body might need to heal, to invigorate, to calm to whatever it is that you are ‘asking’ for at the time. Mother nature has the answer in ways that can only be described as magical and its free and there for you whenever you need or want it.
Like I said above - this is really a never ending list and two of my most favourite rituals - Yoga and Reading - aren’t even on here because they have their own pages. (More on Yoga here and Bookclub here)
If you have any other practices that you use to anchor yourself or to find your centre please do let us know because you can bet your bottom dollar that someone else in our community will love it too.
Looking forward to meeting you soon in one of our Ritual Sessions.
Over & Out.